How Pocket's play with just words makes it more engaging

| Mar 2017
How Pocket's play with just words makes it more engaging

Pocket, formerly known as Read It Later, recently acquired by Mozilla, is an app that lets you save articles from your desktop browser like Chrome or Firefox and you can these saved articles on your mobile device using their app Pocket. It has today become much more than that, it has become a community in itself, where you can follow your friends and influencers and read recommended articles.But as the platform has grown, so has the number of articles each user has saved in his Pocket and sometimes this becomes an overwhelming experience. Recently Pocket has added a small and simple button on its mobile app which asks what you are in the mood for. In the mood for some science articles? It will show you all the Science and related articles you have saved in your Pocket plus some more. In the mood for some movie reviews or the latest Hollywood gossip? Select the Movies mood and it will show you all the articles related to movies in your pocket. It has not only made pocket a more user-friendly experience, it has also made it much more personalized and engaging.Many news aggregator apps allow you to sort your articles by topic, but what Pocket has done feels a lot more personal and makes you come back to the app more often. Sometimes you may have read an article on Pocket and can’t exactly remember the details apart from the fact that it was about Sports? Just select your mood as Sports and skim through the articles to find what you were looking for!On a long train ride to work and want to read something long? You don’t need to guess and click anymore as Pocket will show you all your long reads when you click Long Reads in the mood. Similarly, you can catch up on all the short articles by clicking the Quick Reads mood. The app makes consuming articles a lot more efficient and adaptable as well.What do you think about this feature? Can this be used by all news aggregator apps?

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