• Growth hacks, tips & tricks - Engagement

    This is probably the most challenging area for product managers. How to ensure a user spends more time per visit is what ensure stickiness. Lot of small improvements be it around features, UI, content , communication have to be tried to see what works for your users. Find some inspiration here of what our contributors have liked on different products.

Use of Continue Watching Feature of YouTube to reduce bounce rate & increase Repeat viewers

YouTube, an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, and Hulu offer some of their material via YouTube as part of the YouTube partnership program.
Recently YouTube has added a small and simple feature on ...

on in  Media & Content
How Pocket's play with just words makes it more engaging

Pocket, formerly known as Read It Later, recently acquired by Mozilla, is an app that lets you save articles from your desktop browser like Chrome or Firefox and you can these saved articles on your mobile device using their app Pocket. It has today become much more than that, it has become a community in ...

on in  Media & Content
How The Guardian uses long-press effectively on its mobile app

Have you noticed the nine hundred different share buttons on every article that news apps and websites have? Am i the only one who is put off by these icons? I am sure not. The Guardian is tackling this issue in the mobile apps very appropriately. Their solution is so simple and ingenious, it makes ...

Creative UI design of website for electronic devices

Talk of creative UI designs and keecker’s website will instantly strike you with its out of the box design .Keecker is a new type of movable computer that is designed with the home in mind . It will remind you of BB-8 robot from Star Wars movie series. Keecker lets you project movies & images, ...

on in  Banking & E-Wallets
Dynamic analysis of text messages on cellphone to track bank transactions

Most common platforms that we have come across does not give a consolidated summary of our spending patterns. Ideally, the best way to track expenses would be analyzing the text messages at the cellphone, as now every transaction comes with a text alert. One of the applications called Walnut, is equipped with the following features ...

on in  Media & Content
Expressing opinions on article’s through emoticon.

Online articles have been around for some time now. viewership is high and is increasing by the day. This opens the challenge of making an article engrossing, increasing reader involvement ultimately leading to improving the reading experience as a whole. This is all the more important amidst the increasing competition amongst content website. Storiesfeed.net has ...

on in  Social Networks
Real Time Communication in Code Sharing

Most common form of collaborative works that we observe on online platform would be the joint code development, code sharing. Many IT companies use version controls to keep track of latest addition, modifications and updates in code. Still these softwares don’t provide any real time collaboration tool for joint simultaneous development. One of the real ...

Crowd Engagement in Crowd Funding

Crowd funding is all about creating trust. Trusts usually build up from reliable stories, updates and word of the mouth. So for a crowd funding site to be effective, where it basically takes money from a bunch of strangers to achieve goals or help plight of other bunch of strangers, it needs to employ these ...

on in  Media & Content
Use of blogs for online polls by Hackernoon

Use of quick online polls is an interesting feedback technique which is prevalent among digital audiences. However more often than not, the placement of polls section is what can drastically reduce the number of submissions. Came across on Hackernoon, an inline poll element as part of a long form content . Interesting way to get ...

on in  Social Networks
Facebook uses recommendation feature to increase engagement

Facebook is all about features which a user can relate to. Hence, apart from 'People you may know' which has been there for long, it has also introduced content recommendation feature to boost engagement!

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