Expressing opinions on article’s through emoticon.

| Feb 2017
Expressing opinions on article’s through emoticon.

Online articles have been around for some time now. viewership is high and is increasing by the day. This opens the challenge of making an article engrossing, increasing reader involvement ultimately leading to improving the reading experience as a whole. This is all the more important amidst the increasing competition amongst content website. has come with this unique idea of reviewing an article with different emoticons with each to express the feeling associated with the article. Twinkle Khanna’s funny articles get a lot of laugh smileys, Jayalalithaa’s demise can be expressed with a sad smiley and so on. The ability to express through emoticons can also be an important metric to gauge the interest a particular article can generate. So it can serve as an effective feedback mechanism for the owner. As the competition increases the need for such out of the box thinking would be essential.

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