• Growth hacks, tips & tricks - Mobile/Web Apps

on in  Banking & E-Wallets
Dynamic analysis of text messages on cellphone to track bank transactions

Most common platforms that we have come across does not give a consolidated summary of our spending patterns. Ideally, the best way to track expenses would be analyzing the text messages at the cellphone, as now every transaction comes with a text alert. One of the applications called Walnut, is equipped with the following features ...

on in  Social Networks
Real Time Communication in Code Sharing

Most common form of collaborative works that we observe on online platform would be the joint code development, code sharing. Many IT companies use version controls to keep track of latest addition, modifications and updates in code. Still these softwares don’t provide any real time collaboration tool for joint simultaneous development. One of the real ...

Crowd Engagement in Crowd Funding

Crowd funding is all about creating trust. Trusts usually build up from reliable stories, updates and word of the mouth. So for a crowd funding site to be effective, where it basically takes money from a bunch of strangers to achieve goals or help plight of other bunch of strangers, it needs to employ these ...

on in  Social Networks
Facebook uses recommendation feature to increase engagement

Facebook is all about features which a user can relate to. Hence, apart from 'People you may know' which has been there for long, it has also introduced content recommendation feature to boost engagement!

on in  Social Networks
LinkedIn's new feature to increase engagement

Suggestions based on similar interests seems to be one popular growth hack most products use to increase engagement. Recently observed something similar on LinkedIn around content recommendations where in my timeline LinkedIn was recommending a Marketing Analytics video with a heading - 'People like you are watching'

Interesting way to get more engagement on community ...

on in  Social Networks
Twitter's new engagement feature - You might like

Twitter has recently rolled out a new feature called 'You might like'. It's an interesting feature as it helps a user to get notified of relevant content which people he is following have liked.

A good feature that can definitely help Twitter to improve the average amount of time a user spends in a ...

Google Now notifications at the right time

Google Now is an app for providing personalized services based on user interactions. One of the services it provides is the estimated time of commute via Google Maps. Google now provides intelligent notifications on mobile about the commuting time from Home to Work and vice versa.

In order to ensure a user is retained with ...

on in  Social Networks
A feature that motivates users to remain engaged on Linked In

In order to motivate users to remain engaged on LinkedIn, it has provided a feature that lets user know important news about their connections.

So, as a user, I do not have to go around finding what's new with my connections. On home page, itself, Linked In provides a section of the most important events ...

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