Myntra Tailoring it's way to Customer Delight!!

| Feb 2017
Myntra Tailoring it's way to Customer Delight!!

In the ever competitive world of e-commerce where the giants like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal are looking to differentiate themselves by trying out various initiatives, Myntra (acquired by Flipkart) has come up with an innovative concept for customer delight. Myntra tested a concept of allowing free alteration with contract tailors in Bangalore for all its customers who probably wants to get a better fit for the purchased product. This was a pilot program run with huge success as it gained a lot of social media thumbs up for Myntra.

Kudos to myntra for such initiatives. Such a move not only wowed customers but would exceedingly become the much desired integration points with offline channels in the near future. Such collaborations would take them away from day to day hassles involved in managing stores and concentrate on already blossoming e-commerce business that they have. In a way Myntra is taking the next step to customer satisfaction.


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