Good UX by Gmail: Reminder for access rights to a shared drive link

| Sep 2018
Good UX by Gmail: Reminder for access rights to a shared drive link

Most of the collaboration happens online these days be it on Google Drive, Dropbox or others. And probably link sharing over email is one of the most commonly used feature. However, I have often had not such a good experiences where someone has shared a document link hosted on an online storage platform but when I went and tried to access it, the file couldn’t be accessed. And I then needed to submit a request to the document owner for the same.

It's but obvious that this is always an oversight by the document owner as no one would do it intentionally. So, I liked how Gmail intelligently handles for sharing of Google Drive links. Today I was sending across a private link in Gmail. And when I pressed Send, a notification appeared which let me know that I needed to provide access. Good job Google!

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