• Growth hacks, tips & tricks - User Experience

    User Experience (UX) inspirations from real world as hunted by our community

Amazon brings in Single page payment flow

I noticed Amazon modifying its payment flow. Previously the flow needed the user to navigate through two pages after clicking ‘Buy now’

But now, if your address is preselected Amazon shows a slider on the same page where only CVV needs to be added. Post this it shows an option to ‘Slide to Place order’. ...

Swiggy Pop: A Meal in a Pop

Swiggy recently introduced a short time based, free food delivery offering in some cities.

What I really liked:

- one of the few flows where the entire transaction is completed on the ‘same page’. There are literally no forward flows: choose, click, slide, done

- Excellent use of defaults: If you have your address setup, ...

Buying Insurance with a Twist: Lemonade and Maya Chatbot

Finding the right kind of insurance is painful. So it was refreshing to see Lemonade’s chat based insurance flow.

What works well:

- The flow feels ‘non-intrusive’

- I didn’t realize the number of inputs I gave, it felt like a breeze

- The fact that I was interacting and not just inputting, put me ...

ETMoney nails the main dashboard view

When you have many use cases to cover on mobile app, often the default view for the users starts getting chaotic. This is where I find ETMoney's default view of their mobile app very clean and to the point despite having many use cases to handle.

What I liked specifically -

1. Almost all the ...

Whatsapp for Business Done Right: Bloomberquint

Media outlets find it challenging competing for time share.

At a time when users are turning off app notifications and inshorts is in vogue, Bloomberquint’s Whatsapp news feature is the work of genius.

What works here are 2 things:

- The seamless way in which you sign up/subscribe. It’s totally intuitive.

- But more importantly, ...

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