Linkedin has finally gone ahead and done it: it has launched a feature that had the house divided on whether making Linkedin more ‘social’ and ‘engaging’ is the right way forward.
The feature in question? Linkedin Stories.
While there will be varied opinions on this feature, which is now almost a norm across social platforms, in this challenge we want you to focus on what can be done better by Linkedin.
Basically, while stories as an offering is pretty clear, its fitment within Linkedin is questionable, if adopted as is from Instagram and Snapchat.
So, in this challenge you need to figure out 2 ways in which Linkedin can fine-tune Stories to gain maximum leverage while also enabling valuable, professional conversations (as opposed to people posting random photos)
These tweaks should give due consideration to why people visit Linkedin in the first place.
Hence, it’s expected that you carry out basic user research and prioritise for the top two changes you would like Linkedin to make in Stories.
We are also looking for fresh ideas, as opposed to plain and simple ones, so be bold with your suggestions.
Please Note:
Weekly Leaderboard:
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Formats & Templates:
<The templates are only for reference. You are free to use any format of your choice>
Useful Links:
- LinkedIn Stories Launched in India With Localised Stickers | NDTV:
- How to Use LinkedIn Stories for Your Business | Later:
- Twitter Fleets on UXHack | UXHack:
- Google adds ‘Stories’ to its search app for iOS and Android| Techcrunch:
- What LinkedIn is Good For | Stratecherry:
- Why the next professional network will look nothing like LinkedIn | Brianne Kimmel’s Newsletter: