UPI Challenge
You are a product manager at a leading payment app incharge of improving the UPI functionality of your app. Recently, there have been a lot of complaints from users about frauds happening via UPI. Some even took to Twitter to voice their complaints.
Knowing that UPI has multi-level security, you wonder how these frauds are possible.
On digging deeper you discover that the frauds relate to collect money requests or as some call it, the ‘Request Money’ feature: Here’s the flow - B wants to buy something from A. So B should ideally make a payment via your payment app to A, i.e use Send Money feature
However, what some fraudsters are doing is that instead of sending money, they use the collect money or request money feature.
Given that the interactions are informal, B speaks to A and says: Enter your UPI Pin and approve the payment request to receive money. But what happens is instead of money being credited to A, it gets deducted from her account.
On understanding this fraud you are now tasked with preventing it as many users have stopped using your app due to this.
You now need to use your PM skillsets to suggest possible solutions to fix this problem.
The solutions can be related to communication of features, improving flows, adding functionality.
However, suggestions such as: ‘better marketing’, ‘create user awareness’ are not acceptable.
Your solutions must be related to the product only.
Skills you are being evaluated on: Problem solving, ideation, Wireframing/design, dealing with ambiguity, user research
Important points:
- You need to focus only on the mentioned problem related to UPI
- You can choose any payment app that uses UPI: BHIM, Paytm, Google Pay, PhonePe
- Bonus points for user research and insights
- Bonus points also for understanding possible edge cases and solving for them
- A submission format will be available in a few days. You can start drafting the notes meanwhile.
- This is an assessment presented by UXHack and NPCI has no role in it
Total time you should allot to this challenge: 3-4Hrs
Livemint - You don't need to enter UPI Pin to receive money