Growth hacks, tips & tricks tagged under Google

Google India’s Make Small Strong Vote

Noticed this rather curious campaign by Google India.

What was interesting pushed people to search something that they normally wouldn’t care much about: ‘make small strong vote’

It’s part of Google India’s larger initiative targeted at SMBs: 

PS: Searching the term now no longer gives the poll or even Google’s own page as ...

Use of Continue Watching Feature of YouTube to reduce bounce rate & increase Repeat viewers

YouTube, an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, and Hulu offer some of their material via YouTube as part of the YouTube partnership program.
Recently YouTube has added a small and simple feature on ...

Google Now notifications at the right time

Google Now is an app for providing personalized services based on user interactions. One of the services it provides is the estimated time of commute via Google Maps. Google now provides intelligent notifications on mobile about the commuting time from Home to Work and vice versa.

In order to ensure a user is retained with ...

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